INFORMATICS RTA saves work steps and hours at voestalpine AG

With the consideration of § 82b Gewerbeordnung 1994 our product INFORMATICS Rights & Terms Administration(RTA) has an additional benefit for your company. This paragraph is an obligation for all owners of industrial plants, which are subject to approval, to have them inspected by themselves or externally in certain intervals. With INFORMATICS RTA these inspections can be mastered efficiently. Thanks to the §82b add-on, a §82b-compliant report can be created quickly and easily from the data that the company maintains in RTA.
INFORMATICS RTA is a powerful and comfortable SAP addon to map the administration of all legal regulations and the resulting obligations in companies.
The maintenance measures over the whole fiscal year and the condition of the plant are the elements of a report and are included in the plant report. The §82b addon can process SO10 text modules, tables, graphics and also complete Word documents and insert them into the report at user-defined positions in the main template. Microsoft Word documents are created on the server side, and the Office suite does not have to be installed on the server. Integration with SAP ArchiveLink is also available. The configuration of the §82b reports, the recording of the operating facilities, the recording of the templates as well as the facility-specific information take place in a separate program, the "Rules and Regulations".
What voestalpine AG says
Mike Klaffenböck, Head of Authority Management at voestalpine, reports: "Previously, a separate §82b-GewO self-verification document had to be created annually for each of 80 different operating units at voestalpine, with each document containing individually adapted content. This effort is now finally taken over by INFORMATICS RTA, and for us it is history." Previously, due to the high manual effort, these self-review documents were created only once a year. For operational subunits, they were not created at all, adds Gerald Maschek, application owner of notification software operation. He is pleased about the fast retrieval of information thanks to the automated export of all data from INFORMATICS RTA. Especially great is that it can also be used for operational subunits.

Marietta Atzmüller, application owner for decision management data management, says: "After one-time preparation and import of the necessary information into the system, I start a batch run across all operating units. This automatically files a completed report for each operating unit." Ms. Atzmüller saves around 70 hours of work using RTA and gets everything compactly in one §82b-compliant report.
Here you can learn more about the Product Solution INFORMATICS RTA