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The best time to migrate is now

The upcoming conversion to SAP S/4HANA poses countless questions for companies; after all, choosing the right migration path plays a central role right at the beginning of the journey.

The right path for your company

For some companies, this initial orientation phase seems to have been completed. In recent months, they have completed their planning and evaluation phases, decided on the appropriate approach for the migration and outlined a concrete project plan for the system changeover. Often, the first analyses and process adaptations have been carried out on the existing system and preliminary projects have been initiated that represent prerequisites for the new SAP S/4HANA system and process landscape.

The right companions

As a long-standing partner of many companies that have already successfully started the conversion, INFORMATICS has a wealth of experience and know-how in accompanying them on the "road to S/4HANA". This know-how extends far beyond the known preliminary projects recommended by SAP, such as the conversion to the central master data object SAP Business Partner and the introduction of the new general ledger or asset accounting. Customer-specific preliminary projects in the FI/CO, SD and MM modules, such as the implementation of a fully automated settlement management, the conversion of bonus and commission settlements as well as credit management to SAP S/4HANA, additionally simplify the changeover. We can also look back on successful SAP Basis project implementations, ranging from setting up a sandbox including various test runs and patches to the final conversion of the productive system.

Austria Card AG on the road with INFORMATICS

INFORMATICS supports companies from the planning and conception to the systemic adjustments and the implementation of existing processes to the smooth start-up of the SAP systems. This expertise also flowed into one of INFORMATICS' largest current projects, the new introduction of SAP S/4HANA at the international company Austria Card AG, which will go live at the end of the year.

All these projects clearly showed how complex and multi-layered the migration to SAP S/4HANA is, especially when the company has a decades-old construct of individual processes and Z-developments. Together with our customers, we take a close look at your databases, systems and processes, set the conceptual course with you and enable concrete time and resource planning thanks to our practical experience.

Take your first steps on the road to S/4HANA with INFORMATICS as your companion.