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SAP S/4HANA migration

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      Migration from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA

      With SAP S/4HANA, you not only control your company in real time, but also modernize and automate your business processes at the same time. We support you with a secure and targeted migration or new implementation and show you what you should pay attention to in the process

      Are you ready for the switch to SAP S/4HANA?

      By the end of 2027 at the latest, all SAP ERP users should have switched to SAP S/4HANA, after which they will only wait until 2030 and for an additional charge.

      We therefore clearly recommend that you start now with the first preliminary projects and system analyses! Because with INFORMATICS as your partner, the first essential step on the "Road so S/4HANA" has already been taken. Be well advised with us.in the world of SAP.

      Step by step, we guide you through the most important stages of the "Road to S/4HANA" with our recommendations and practical tips.

      Step 1

      System evaluation by means of basic packages

      Start thinking about switching your SAP ERP system to S/4HANA today and prepare your system landscape optimally for the changeover. The three tools Readiness Check, Process Discovery and the ATC Check for the pre-project phases create the technical prerequisites for a successful implementation project.

      Step 2

      Definition of conversion - greenfield approach or conversion?

      Many SAP ERP users are planning to switch in the years 2023 to 2025.

      To ensure a successful transition to SAP S/4HANA, it makes sense to deal with the topic now. Depending on how the strategic orientation of your company develops, you can choose between a greenfield approach or a conversion of the systems.

      Re-implementation with the Greenfield Approach

      With the greenfield approach, the new SAP S/4HANA system is set up in parallel with your existing ERP system.

      The greenfield approach gives companies the opportunity to question and redesign processes that have been in place up to now in order to exploit the full potential of S/4HANA. Access to best-practice models supports the conceptual design of your innovative processes and thus increases efficiency during implementation. On the day of the system change, all master and customer data as well as all open documents are transferred to the S/4HANA system.

      System takeover with a conversion

      The other option for making the move to SAP S/4HANA is conversion. If you want to take over and retain proven processes and workflows, a conversion of your existing SAP ERP system is the right choice. This makes sense especially if many Z developments are used, different subsidiaries access the existing ERP system or historical data is essential.

      In the pre-project phase, your system (Z developments, add-ons and data) is checked for compatibility. This ensures optimal preparation of your system landscape. At the go-live of the conversion, all data including all historical data is converted.

      Which path suits your company?

      Regardless of the strategic approach to SAP S/4HANA that is right for your company, we will accompany you on your way.

      Together we start the first considerations, take the first steps and begin with the most important work packages in the preparation.

      Because these so-called "preliminary projects", which can be started at any time in the existing ERP system, are a must. These preliminary projects are mandatory and

      • help you to increase data quality, as data is cleaned and
      • define the conceptual direction, as many insights can be derived in the course of the preliminary projects
      • enable concrete time and resource planning.

      As simple as it may sound, "the road to S/4HANA" also begins with the first step. Let us take this first step towards SAP S/4HANA together.

      Step 3

      Pre-projects for SAP S/4HANA

      Conversion to Unicode

      The conversion to SAP S/4HANA requires, among other things, the conversion of your SAP system to Unicode. This is an international standard that defines how fonts and character sets are stored electronically. In practice, this means that above all customer-specific programmes, interfaces and other developments must be checked for incompatibilities with Unicode.

      In order to simplify the changeover, SAP offers a tool with the transaction UCCHECK, which can be used to find the affected elements. In terms of timing, the Unicode conversion should happen as early as possible so that new developments and changes are

      Business Partner/Business Partner

      The business partner is the main master record under which the various business relationships such as customer, supplier and so on can be mapped through so-called business partner roles. In the course of the business partner conversion, new business partners are created on the basis of the customer and supplier and linked to the original master records - in this context, it is often useful and sometimes necessary to clean up master data.

      We recommend the business partner changeover shortly before the start of the S/4HANA migration, as a complete changeover to the business partners in SAP R/3 is not yet possible due to the incomplete transaction BP and thus the CVI (Customer-Vendor-Integration) interface does not have to become unnecessary for a long time.

      New General Ledger | New GL

      With SAP S/4HANA, the new general ledger became mandatory and can therefore be introduced either as a preliminary project or in the course of the migration. The new general ledger is used, among other things, to be able to map various accounting regulations via ledgers without using a so-called account solution. This is also a prerequisite for other new functions such as the document split or various reporting applications.

      Key Account Manager Klaus Augner

      Do you have any questions?

      Our colleague Klaus Augner will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

      Sales management

      Webinars for your Road to S/4HANA

      Our experts explain in detail what changes when switching to SAP S/4 HANA and which innovations and functions may be of interest to you. The webinars are relevant for IT, business and key users.

      You can view past webinars on individual topics or subject areas as well as register for upcoming ones.